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Action Alert 06DEC02: Protest Ottawa Citizen racist ad
(Canadian Arab Federation (CAF) - 06 December 2002)

B'nai Brith took out a full-page ad in the Ottawa Citizen on Nov 29, 2002, which depicted a man with a beard carrying arms and a Canadian passport.  He is wearing a Maple Leaf T-shirt, and there are Islamic symbols (Mosques and Minarets) in the background.  The ad is part of B'nai Brith's campaign to pressure the Canadian government into adding the Lebanese Hezbollah party to its list of terrorist organizations. 

The Canadian Arab Federation finds the depiction in the ad racist and hate mongering.  The image clearly associates Islam with terrorism, thereby promoting hatred against Canadian Arabs and Muslims.  As a self-styled human rights organization, B'nai Brith ought to know better than to use racist tactics for the sake of political expediency. 

In the charged atmosphere following the events of September 11, responsible Canadian organizations should be promoting tolerance and understanding.  Arab and Muslim Canadians have suffered enough at the hands of negative stereotypes and associations with violence. 

CAF calls on its members and friends to protest the hateful ad and racist propaganda as follows: 

  1. Those who live in the Ottawa area are encouraged to join a picket line in front of the offices of the Ottawa Citizen on Sat Dec. 7th between 1:00 & 3:00 pm on 1101 Baxter Road (at Iris - West End).  This event is organized by the Coalition of Canadian Arab Professional and Community Associations (CAPCA).  For information contact
    1. Write to the Ottawa Citizen objecting to the hateful advertisement - explain how it affects you and your family.  Please be concise, clear and respectful in your communication.  Address your letter to:

There is no room for hate in a multicultural society.  All Canadians must stand up to discrimination against Arabs and Muslims .

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